(+62) 31 397 1919     bsb_sub@sby.dnet.net.id   

Project Planing

With experienced human resources and supported by project management based on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, SMK3 standards in planning and executing large-scale projects.

Building Construction

With a lot of experience in steel structure erection, and supported by project management based on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001 standards, SMK3 has been successful in completing many projects with zero accidents.

Competitive price

We like to offer our customers excellent value for money. That’s why, despite being an industry-leading steel fabrication company, our services are charged at a very competitive rate.


Mayjen Sungkono 16 , Gresik , East Java , Indonesia +62 31 3971919 bsb_sub@sby.dnet.net.id

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 08:00am to 05:00pm
Weekend: Closed
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